Any TA, RA or work study opportunities with me (and sometimes selected colleagues) will be listed here. Last updated: 2022-10-06.
No RAs currently being recruited.
Ethical Professional Practice (2021–22)
Lead RA: Our team is looking for one to two lead RAs to provide coordination and research support for a project on the development and implementation of teaching materials on ethical practice for 6 undergraduate courses. The larger project will also seek to identify additional complementary programming for career development and mentoring. This project will run until March, 2022.
Undergraduate RA cohort: A group of undergraduate RAs we recrutied to work together over a short research intenstive in April 2022.
ISSC RAs (2020, 2021, 2022)
The Independent Summer Statistics Community (ISSC) is a community for Department of Statistical Sciences undergraduate students. Some of the RA roles related included:
Undergraduate and graduate program evaluation
Sports analytics workshop development
Python student learning community
Designing a statistics escape room
No work study students currently being recruited.
See the Department Website for full information.
Each summer these advertisements go up. I don’t oversee the hiring, but I do love to know if you’ve applied and I am happy to answer questions about the course format and what the experience would be like. I can’t answer questions about eligibility/visas etc.
There are also occasionally emergency postings outside of the usual summer recruitment drive.